Advent Calendar

Christmas time for me is all about spending time with family and friends plus about following traditions that have been established over the years.

It seems no matter what age we are, there are certain things that must happen – lights are put out in front of the house in competition with the neighbours, a real Christmas tree is purchased and the old decorations are put on – of course waiting till everyone is home to do so (which is getting harder the older they get), presents are purchased for each other(for 3 boys this can be challenging) I think this is the only time of year they go into a shop and the advent calendar is set up.

Their Grandmother embroidered the calendar for them when they were little but it stills takes pride and place on the mantle.

SEASON GREETINGS everyone have happy & safe holidays, hope you all get to enjoy a bit of time out.

See you in 2014 with new projects.

Advent Calendar Advent Calendar