

'Revamping Old Furniture'


Outdoor Cushion

Colourful outdoor experience

Colourful Outdoor Experience

Mokum outdoor fabric

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Rattan Outdoor Lounge – MINE or the DOG’s mmmmm

Old Rattan Lounge CushionOk – enough is enough ……….it is high time the cushion for the outdoor rattan lounge was recovered. Yes, I know Jed looks very comfortable and even once a new cover is completed I’m sure he will like it just as well.

I am using an outdoor foam which is more expensive, but it allows any water to run through.

It came slightly too big. As I don’t have a foam cutter (they are quite expensive) I am using an electric bread cutter (you can get one under $ 20.00). No, I’m not completely NUTS, it does a pretty good job.

As long as you have the line marked and cut straight up and down it does a fairly good job.

Electric Bread Knife

Outdoor Foam

Once the foam was cut it was just a matter of cutting the material and get sewing.  I love the contrast of pattern on one side and the stripe on the other. Instead of a zip I decided to put velcro right down one side as I am sure the dog will still make it his resting place – therefore frequent washing. It makes it easier to get the cover off and on.

Cushion Cover/ Velcro

Rattan Cushion for Lounge Rattan Cushion for Lounge Rattan Cushion

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